Some considerations on the hypothetical agreement between Apple and OpenAI

Some considerations on the hypothetical agreement between Apple and OpenAI

Just a few days ago, I wrote about the necessity of augmented reality through language and, consequently, the need for the evolution of advanced voice assistants compared to Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.

The hypothetical agreement between Apple and OpenAI seems to be moving in this direction, if finalized.

On one hand, what we currently understand as augmented reality often involves an augmentation of ourselves (with hardware), which in some ways distances us from reality itself. In this context, an intelligent voice assistant extends reality by offering new interactions without alienating us from it.

If we accept Vygotsky’s theory, where language and thought are so closely interconnected that “we think only what we can speak about,” will we reach an evolution or a regression of the models we frequently discuss?

There are also other aspects to consider, of course, if OpenAI were to integrate its intelligence into a mass-market device like the iPhone or other devices:

– Privacy: Siri has already raised doubts in this regard, but what about a generative AI?

– Dark Patterns: These exist, and AI knows them very well. Who and what will limit them?

– Responsibility: Today, a simple note stating that ChatGPT can make mistakes is sufficient. How far will a voice assistant be allowed to go?

May 19, 2024